Our Motto: To Acknowledge the Duty that Accompanies Every Right
International Theme: Together for a better world
International Slogan: Arise and Shine
India Area Theme: Empower, Excellence, Extend
India Area Major Project: Care the Aged
Area Minor Projects
Keep Mother Earth Clean
Caring Aged
Health Promotion
Women Empowerment
Education for all
Food Security
Road Safety

Upcoming Area Events
- India Area Youth Camp
Dates: 27th to 30th December 2024.
Venue: Elis Mount, Alwaye, Kerala - Mid year Meeting & Christmas Get together
for RDs, RSs and DGs
Dates: 29th December 2024.
Venue: YMCA, Alwaye, Kerala - Orientation
for RDEs and DGEs
Dates: 4th & 5th January 2025.
Venue: YMCA, Chennai, TN

Our Vision
As Y’s Men International is a world-wide fellowship of persons of all faiths working constructively together, based on the teachings of Jesus Christ, in partnership with and supporting the YMCA, its mission is to strive through active service to develop, encourage and provide leadership to build a better world for all humankind.

Our Mission
Y’s Men International will be recognised globally as a service organisation promoting cultural awareness leading to brotherhood and world peace.

Message from Area President
Dear Ys Men Members and friends,
Let me extend a warm welcome to India Area website.
As you know, our great movement, the Y’s Men international is began as a mission partner of YMCA at Toledo, United States of America. Our founder Judge Paul William Alexander, a great visionary gives us the motto “To Acknowledge the Duty that Accompanies Every Right.”
In this Y’s year India Area proposes ‘Three E’- Empower, Excellence, Extend as the thrust area. We all have to Empower ourselves and attain maximum excellence at the club level which could attract more potential personalities towards this movement. At the Area level we are launching the ‘Rainbow project’ or the ‘seven dimensional program’ namely, Food Security, Care the Aged, Heath promotion, Women Empowerment, Education for All, Road Safety and Mother Earth. The Area Projects are so flexible and multidimensional that any of them could be adopted and implemented at the Club level or District or Regional level as the community enrichment program. This Y’s year we will be guided by the theme- ‘Work together towards Harmony’.
Dear fellow Y’s Men, I am taking the charge of highly responsible and Prestigious position as India Area President with a dream and aim to build the Area as ‘One Y’sdom, One Rhythm’, – the Rhythm of togetherness and Harmony. I hope we will all hold hands together to rebuild and reshape India Area Y’sdom into a more powerful and value cantered movement eliminating all unhealthy practices.
Once again I thank all of you for your valuable presence and blessings. Let me conclude my words seeking your support and prayers
Thank you, Jai Y’sdom
Ym. V.S. Radhakrishnan, India Area President
India Area Theme: Empower, Excellence, Extend
India Area Major Project: Care the Aged