About Us
Ys men International is a worldwide organisation having its clubs in 79 countries across the globe. As a service organisation engaged in community service and promoting cultural awareness leading to global fellowship and world peace, members can look forward to: ÿ Opportunities to give back to the community, Involvement in global initiatives & programs, Constructive use of free time and Opportunities for self-development.
For administrative purposes, the world is divided into eight (8) geographical Areas: Africa, Asia Pacific, Canada/Caribbean, Europe, India, Korea, Latin America, and United States. The highest administrative leader within an Area is the Area President.
India Area is formulated as a separate Area in 1988, the first Area President was Ym Dr. P Sukumaran from Y’s Men’s Club of Trivandrum. Now India Area contains 9 regions viz. North & North Eastern Region (NANER), Central India Region (CIR), West India Region(WIR), South Central India Region (SCIR), Mid West India Region (MWIR), South West India Region (SWIR), Central Travancore Region (CTR), South India Region (SIR) and Middle East Region (MER).
In the year 2000-01, during the tenure of Ym Adv A Shanavaskhan as Area President, a permanent head quarter for India Area is started at NAB Campus, Trivandrum, Kerala, India.
The Immediate Past Area President is Ym V A A Shukur from SWIR and the Incoming Area President is Ym Adv Babu George from MWIR. The ruling Area President Ym V S Radhakrishnan representing CTR.